Careful! Take a moment before reposting BS
Today, I fed my feelings, reposted something that later proved to be misinformation.
My bias is strong some days.
I do practice mindfulness, I do try to think before I react, I do try to do a modicum of research before reposting bad info.
But man, IF that bad info speaks to my bias, then, sometimes, I fail. I share or repost, wrong information. Luckily, friends sometimes care enough to reach out and redirect me!
Take ownership of the mistake, and make corrections, the greatest way to make amends.
this happens a lot in my life: fall for the emo-trap. I let my first reaction take charge.
its a real balancing act: trusting my gut, connecting with my soul, while being human, in the now.
seems to me, less about a moment, a class, an awakening, and more about persistence, of one foot in front of the next foot, one day at a time.
Spiritual Awakenings have been for me, momentary, fleeting, fragile. They require persistence, to re attain, to re experience. So I work for the next. the goal being, more frequent, longer lasting, awakened moments.
first post in a while, I'll keep it short. Namaste