Sunday, April 13, 2014

Authoritative Source... or Ego fodder?

My Soul Knows the Truth

Behind every book, artifact, captured wisdom...of every sort, is generally a motive, an opinion, a selling point. Just as almost every action I take, every behaviour exhibit, rant so passionately delivered.. there is underlying belief, or position to sell.

I am naturally skeptical. Even cynical at times; I don't naturally trust, unless of course, there is a desire attached. ( Then, I'm gullible as hell, if the idea, position, gadget etc I'm being sold.. is attractive to me on whatever level. ) But in all other things, I scoff.

The Bible? bah. Quran? ugh The Big book? 12 and 12? meh. you name it.. the fact something is captured does not make it sacroscint to me. I don't believe any book etc to be "divinely written" "inspired" .. no. that is all horse puckey, I think.

So, when folks in their desperate need to justify or substantiate a belief, a passion, a talking point..cite such "reference materials" *cough*, instead of being impressed or sold, I balk.

Everything in moderation. Thats possibly the most powerful thing my beloved Mother ever taught me. Of course I have failed miserably in that caution, but I am aware, I look within more often these days, in my pursuit of happiness, and find where I have failed to moderate something, anything, and how I have created pain for myself, and those that love me, by allowing distortion of that caution.

For all these alleged reference materials.. have been edited by man. repeatedly, over and over. Self interest is always involved, with even the most benevolent, self actualized authors, its impossible to avoid.

The truth for me, in this moment, is all of those, even at their best, still represent one man or woman, or even a collection of same, experience, as they lived it. Anything, including this blog, is for me, and should never be more than, guidance. For this life.. is mine to live, mine to experience and make my own observations about. I can't live other people's experience; I may share similarities, but nothing is exactly the same.

I want to live by the spirit of the guidance, the spirit of the law, the spirit of intention. All too often, I drill down to the definition of "is" ( fuck you lawyers ) and loose the spirit of the intention. The Constitution was beautiful! It proposed a wonderful humanist spirit. Equality, Liberty, Fraternity!  I don't need fake experts to render its intent.. supreme court is a farce, whether fake left or fake right, the language is fairly simple and matter of fact.

AA's literature is the same. The spirit is often overlooked, by drilling into the language, again the definition of "is". I over complicate too many things.

The best guidance for me, is the most simple. Keep it simple, sweetie. For me.. today.. authoritative sources are exposed as Ego fodder.

The quest to develop and understand.. More Humility, a more humble approach, a humble walk through this world, interacting where necessary.. is about, searching out Ego's play, and the elimination of it.


Blogger Unknown said...

Interestingly enough I enjoy literate: ours; "HIS"; Spiritual; Religious. I find truth. That rings true. I don't subscribe to anything simply because it simply is. Nor because it applies; "you spot it you got it," although it may.......and does.

It either rings true or it doesn't ring doesn't ring at all. I, like you, am aware of such false truths strewn about because "IT IS WRITTEN." I share such a conception. It does not jibe with mine.

Does it ring true? The message. The concept. That is what grabs me. Not the messenger. Nor the medium nor its backers, founders, endorsers, or The Times for that matter.

BUT! Are those truths mine? Or am I merely attracted and hopeful. Which aren't bad, just not true, lol.

I found truth in The Big Book as well as a few of the others. Those words regardless of any external and deliberate influence have served people well. After all, isn't it the influence of people that have moved me to such conceptions as being awakened to such precepts? Perhaps.

BUT! What am I doing with "it?" This spiritual mindedness. Whether or not I read or subscribe is indifferent to living, I agree. It matters not where the truth flows from, it matters more where the truth flows through.

Awesome post friend.

6:55 PM  

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