Sunday, February 27, 2011

Responsibility Overcomes a Culture of Blame

Today, I am grateful to know that Emotional and Spiritual Freedom are directly proportional to responsibility.

Inner Peace and Freedom are a product of being Responsible.

We as a Nation, as a One Human Family Globally, face many difficult challenges. I am convinced that as practicing Responsibility has transformed me, then practicing Responsibility must become a foundation, a core, of our national dialogue.

We as a people, must recognize that the many bully pulpits that preach blame, do Not serve us individually, or as a nation, as a people. Screaming indictment from the top of the lungs, loud voices broadcast incriminating half truths, into our thoughts, our minds, the collective national dialogue, and enhance the problem, not the solution.

As an intelligent adult in the 21st century, hungry for real change, ( not the politicised word 'change', so please be willing to suspend the Pavlovian response  ), for true change, witnessing the growing construction of almost insurmountable walls of division rooted in blame, I must discipline my thought life, to avoid falling into the trap, of blame. You see, I identify with many of the voices, across the social and political spectrum, that seek so desperately to alert, to inform, to eliminate barriers of ignorance, of apathy. Life is truly urgent and there is much that demands an urgent response. Yet, even as I post a story on Facebook, or broadcast  a link to my email list, I am becoming increasingly aware that despite my desire to awaken, to inform, I am also serving.... a Culture of Blame.

The more I pay attention to the growing various national voices, the dissent, the call to arms, those that feign investigation into dark places and practices, the more obvious and evident it becomes this voice.... repeats only blame. And I am convinced, blame will never support Transformation. More and more, I see 'pieces of truth' used to get attention, only become vehicles to mislead, to steer away from, to lead to, the wrong conclusions. These wrong conclusions create and support chaos, develop conflict, and feed destruction, they do not increase the likelihood of achieving the compromise necessary to create sustainability. The use of  misdirection enhances blame, creates pain, dissatisfaction.... conflict with,  Responsibility.

As I processed through experiential workshops, as I began to learn, understand, and practice AA's 12 steps,  and as I consumed varied essays and works that encouraged responsibility as the tool to overcome my nagging self consumed sense of misfortune, an amazing thing began to occur. I was beginning to experience Freedom! I began to actively seek my part, my choices, my actions, as the source of current circumstances! Contrary to an imagined concept that this learning about who I really am, about how I really show up in the world bringing pain and self hatred, I began to know..true emotional and spiritual freedom! Willingness to look within first, and embrace truth about myself, has proven to be the single most powerful building block to greater maturity and effectiveness as an adult.

Blame creates victims. Victims will never be free. I want to be free. I will work to persuade blame to embrace responsibility. Only through genuine responsibility can genuine freedom be achieved. Inside, personally, and outside, as a government, as a nation, as a people.

Today, as I am immersed in my culture, our culture, I will diffuse blame, I will speak accountability, responsibility. I will recognize there is a need to educate, but will couple information, with inward reflection. I will suggest that we are not victims, but that collective apathy, disengagement with responsibility, the collapse into self, that has allowed corruption to flourish. That the problem isn't Liberals or Conservatives, it isn't Dems or Repubs, it isn't Bush or Obama, Christians or Muslims, it isn't the New World Order Illuminati or the writers of the Constitution. It isn't Unions, or Corporatism. NO! Those targets...are about blame.

No, the solution is within. The solution is not.... blame. The solution is.. responsibility.

As I awaken to the truth of the world as it is, as opposed to the comfy place I demanded it be to enable my selfish apathy, I will embrace responsibility. I will not back away from engagement. I will take the responsible path and participate, I will hold leadership as the servants they, accountable. For they serve us, we do not serve leadership. Trust must be earned; I will not expect trust, I will work to earn it. I will practice responsibility.

Responsibility Overcomes a Culture of Blame

Freedom, inside and out, is not a given. Freedom is not free. Freedom requires discipline, sacrifice, and continuous effort. "Give us today, our daily bread.." not a lifetime of bread. Freedom is the fruit of responsibility. Today, I will use my energy to create freedom; I will seek and exercise responsibility, I will turn from blame, I will encourage participation. Not in conflict, but in Unity.  

I will also recognize, that my senses are bombarded with blame. Everywhere I turn, the message is blame, is victim, is we have lost. This enviornment adds additonal stress and inner conflict. But if I am willing to find responsibility, to step up and participate in my life, do my best to make a difference, whatever that looks like, I can through responsibility, live in Authentic Freedom.

Love, Light, and Blessings to all that read this =)


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