Sunday, April 23, 2006


It's been an interesting weekend, emotionally. My bride and I celebrated 6 years married Friday, 4/21, and the weekend has maintained a certain amount of Gratitude and Love about it. Those are nice emotions, or perspectives, to dwell on, and to wallow in, so, it's been a good weekend.

For a change, I was able to break out of my normal selfish focus, and do a few things for her, and that always has a positive effect on our life. Our union, though not always smooth, has been one of confidence and trust building for both us, and we each have grown and matured happily with this relationship. Confidence and comfort within our own skins, success in the outside world, these have been products of our marriage.

Yesterday, we caught a show on Discovery channel, I believe, that looked at "faith healing", and the neuroscience aspect of such things, the possible scientific explanations of these alledged miracles, and the power of charismatic "healers". It also drew comparisons to more Nefarious historical people, that successfully exercised the same levels of impact. I'm quite certain that many seeking faith, would see some conspiracy in that similarity being drawn, but I was able to understand the point being made. That point being the intense desire in most people to sincerely connect with one another, with God, even if mislaid, is universal, tangible, and quite possibly, chemical. It remains almost a "bug" in our code, an exploit in the wrong hands, while also being valuable.

Afterward, we watched the movie "Powder". Here's a story of a person bourne with a tangible connectivty to the electrical: the force of electricty within people, and that of Nature. In the context that was my mind set post the neuroscience show and "Powder", it's suggestion of electrical continuity with in us all, was moving.

Currently, my spiritual journey has me at a place where I am developing, nurturing, a small amount of Faith, a Mustard seed if you will, though void of the attendant dogma that phrase conjures. However, my beliefes are transient, uncertain, searching, and open. It's taken me most of my life to realize that my natural, cynical, challenge of belief systems doesn't exclude me from nurturing a faith that works. I have come to accept and celebrate my inert reading between the lines, my lack of acceptance on face value, systems, that to me, seem more about control, than empowerment.

Seeing all the faces in the crowds at these faith healing events, made me cry. I connected with the intense desire, the yearning, of those folks. My saddness was in the recognition of the temporary nature of those sort of moments, at least as I have experienced them, which for me, has always lead to a determination that they were fraudulent, exploitive, ultimately invalid. Maybe that's a little harsh, as even temporary events can and have had lingering impacts on my life; the pain and anger though is that they are always sold as permenant.

"Give us today our daily bread", not our "eternal lifetime" bread.

That is the solvent of the glue of such selling points, that these moments of complete connectedness, Euphoric path changes, at one with God and all, melts by. It doesn't have to be so, but I suspect, most people are like me; I bristle at the temporary, instead longing for sustained, even permenant, events. I growl at suggestion of ongoing journeys, especially if the temporary moments are not sustainable. I only want the permenant! *weeps* Thus, the temporary nature of these experiences is hidden, or kept below the surface, less spoken of, lest the participants might not come, and bring their checkbooks.


"Powder" suggested we may all actually be connected. Electrical energy, perhaps the "soul", the measurable life force that animates our mass. It seems reasonable to me, that this lifeforce is aware, at least in the subconscious, of the lifeforces around us, people, animals, plants.

It would explain alot for me. My constant sense of subliminal pain, my sense of saddness watching people trying to connect with God, permenantly, at these faith healing revivals, the willingness to suspend reason, hoping for better, conscious, connectivity. The terrible revelation later that in the end, it is a journey, a path, at best, a series of events. Reckognizing that I am indeed connected to events and people everywhere; the torturer and the tortured, the butcher and the steer, the hunter and the hunted. Maybe the growing anxieity the world is experiencing is a manifestation of the terrible destructiveness to us all that governmental corruption, the lies we swim daily in, the manipulations, the war, exerts on us electrically. Maybe it's that sense of doom that feeds my thirst for more information from the underground, validation that the pain we feel is result of man's treachery.


Today, I will "jack in" to the matrix, not with more fear, or pain, but with a Positive attitude, with confidence, with my mustard seed of faith, and celebrate our connectivity. I will glow with Love, and know, that my power to impact is limitless. I will assist those unable to reflect away the drain, the vacuum; I will amplify the strength and goodness within us all.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That was an awesome blog, thank you for sharing your innermost thoughts!


11:20 AM  

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