Sunday, February 08, 2009

Running to the Roar!

Jeesh.. I love to write. I suspect its hard to know that from the very infrequent updates to this, my blog!

So, here I am, with a new excitement about this effort.

I'm running to the roar!

Spent a fair amount of time over the last few days in analysis paralysis considering writing something new. Looking for a topic to capture my present state of mind and affairs; truth is, my present state of mind and affairs is very dynamic, very fluid lately. So capturing it, may prove elusive, so screw it. I'll begin and see where it goes.

I am an Agnostic. I embraced that about myself a number of years ago, but its been a part of my current thought stream lately; the fact, and that I embrace it.

You see, Humility is significant to me. I believe the greatest teachers in my life have been those that live with humility. Its a way of being that embodies Impact. Humility, as defined by my thinking, is the antithesis of Hypocrite. Actions truly speak louder than words, and a humble person lives their principles, a hypocrite dictates them, but rarely lives them. Whoa! Judgment! Well, I reserve the right to pass judgment sometimes; it may be uncomfortable and actually point four finges back at me, so be it!

My recognition of being Agnostic comes from that place. No, not the judgment place, the humility place. I in fact, feel and act in Faith, often. However, not nearly as often as I act in doubt, in reservation, in the suspicion that Faith is weak and invalid and meaningless. Honest appraisal, or inventory, of faithful moments and independent moments is clear. Agnostic.

Funny, I mentioned that to a group of people yesterday, with a sincerity of self-disclosure, or so I felt or believed in that moment. I also mentioned, that it was my experience, that all people I have met, were Agnostic as well, in the sense that I have just described. Of course, hind sight clarifies for me that I was being a hypocrite to suggest that I knew what other people were. I did mean it as an observation as opposed to an accusation. Just the same, after the meeting, a man came to mean to take his stand; he almost defiantly declared he was a Christian! ( the in between the lines meaning.. "How dare you!" ) I responded with love, and expressed I was happy for him. ( without any snarkiness too! ) He walked away confident he stood willing to meet his lions, was my impression.

But as my sketchy memory serves me, didn't even Jesus have a moment of doubt or two..even while crucified? Or Mother Theresa.. I recall reading some expressions of doubt by her along the way.

I just think that valid Humility requires that level of truth from me; that the moments of doubt and independance from protection or prayer, are generally more frequent than moments in Faith. How dare my arrogance suggest I am a [insert beliefe system here]!

Running to the Roar!

Not sure where you get your information from; I seek mine from all over. I just love the greatest resource of knowledge and wisdom ever so freely available as well, the Internet. Be prepared. I have clear intention to survive, to weather, that in the end, purification will provide a much needed cleasing. Just the same, know this; things are very considerably worse than you may imagine, and that it is highly likely, the US0A may be over, much like most other large Countries. The financial chaos is a momentum so huge, so unstoppable, that any stimulus, or bailouts, or anything at all "they" do, will not stop this momentum. As a favorite writer of mine talks of, Mike Ruppert, re-localization is inevitable. Keep some cash on hand; we will have a "bank Holiday" by this summer where all banks will close for a day or a week, or a month.. no access at all. When they re open, either re-valuation of existing curreny, or introduction of a new currency. At that point, whatever savings you had will have significantly less buying power. Its unavoidable. The Fed and treasury combined have obligated more like $8-10 TRILLION that they dont have; the TARP 850 Billion is smoke n mirrors, and utter BS, like all of MSM and Governments propaganda. And we just dont have, nor are there any creditors willing or able to laon it to us on top of the already unpayable debt we had as a nation before this started. Thus, the dollar will go bye bye.

Running to the Roar!

Personal Growth.

Well, I have a love / hate relationship with "Personal Growth". Been involved, sometimes feverishly, sometimes apathetically, for most of my life. Analysis paralysis. Knowing when to say when, when its ok to drop my constant investigation, thats a challenge! Sometimes its a maze, a infinity death spiral of questions without answers. What was the creator of that.. and that, and that, and that, and that, and that..........
Yet, I am so grateful for personal growth. paradigm shift. new sets of glasses. My marrige to the lovely Ms. DeLina has been saved more than once by a declaration of the Power of choice! I can actually choose stuff. I can choose how I feel, by managing my thoughts, imagine that! I can choose to act out of my commitments, instead of some transitory feeling! holy Shit! I can choose to embrace the power of choice I weild, as opposed to give into laziness that tells me I'm exhausted by personal growth!

I am a Deserving, Loving, Comitted Millionaire Lottery Winner!

I am Wealth!

I am Lovable!

Usually, the roar is the old lions's side of the field, the easier side to navigate, as opposed to the opposit side, where the younger more dangerous Lions are, the ones the crafty old lazy lions convinced to wait for the people or gazelles that would expectedly run from the roar to ...

So, today, I choose to run to the Roar!