Wednesday, November 23, 2005

The Sleeper Awakens


Probably many like me, start a blog, feel proud.."hey..look at my blog" to any random passerby, then, loss of interest, or fear " hmm..don't want to expose too much of myself..etc.." and indifference, followed by laziness set in..then.... nada new.

Well, I'm still here, and I need to write! So ...I am..

Let's see. I am encouraged by the new Zeitgeist ( a word seen all over all of a sudden - must of have been on one of those Vocabulary increasing self help tapes or something ) of criticism and challenge to our politcal landscape. It is a foundation to Liberty, imo, to challenge all authority, policy, and administration, even if "your" peeps are in charge. Nothing in life should ever be free of dissent; it reminds us to be Honest. My gut has tightened many times in the face of statements that appear to demonize or trivialize Dissent, in the name of Liberty. So as people begin to second guess, re -think policy, I bristle at a suggestion that it's "re-writing". The best plans and Ideas are fluid and open to revisiting, and change if needed, as more information is acquired.

I really don't want to let this blog to be too focused on Governing, or Politics, although that is difficult, as so much of my mind's free cpu cycles are speant in those resources. The thing is, what I really care most about, is JUSTICE.

Not Criminal Justice, or administration of justice, or political justice. No. The Principle of Justice, that's what boots my workstation.


jusĀ·tice ( n.)
  1. The quality of being just; fairness.
    1. The principle of moral rightness; equity.
    2. Conformity to moral rightness in action or attitude; righteousness.
    1. The upholding of what is just, especially fair treatment and due reward in accordance with honor, standards, or law.
    2. Law. The administration and procedure of law.
  2. Conformity to truth, fact, or sound reason: The overcharged customer was angry, and with justice.
Justice is the standard of Liberty. There really is no grey in Justice. There is no honest debate in Justice. There is only just and unjust.

My Soul Knows the Truth.

As I continue to swim in the sea of spin our zeitgiest seems to allow, there can only be pain for anyone with an intuitiveness to see thru the lie. I know I am not the only one that feels this, although my ego loves to try to persuad me so. I am not alone, or unique, or a "special snowflake" i.e. "Fight Club". Our entire global population must have a statiscal amount of people that know better, and resultingly, feel the discomfort of apparently tolerating this destructive force. The solution shouldn't be more Prozac.

" Act NOW - it's a $50 dollar value, yours for only $19.95"

2nd and 3rd mortages are GOOD, it's naive to build equity, spend it now, while you can!

China needs to be a "Most Favoured Nation" in trade....just look at those markets!

Walmart is a Icon Of the American Way!

Torture is a neccessary component in the persuit of the exportation of Liberty!

umm, errr ... *shifty eyes* then *doubles over in disgust*

No. None of those examples are acceptable, they don't meet the the Justice meter, not too anyone capable of independant thought.


The solution to the stress in an embezzling employee's psyche isn't more medication. The Just solution is to stop the embezzling.

The solution to historical failures in covert maniputlation of foreign governments is NOT more manipulation.

We will we ever have a leader that will step up, with the neccessary charisma to get people's attention, and speak to Justice? Someone that will propose changes to the root causes, as opposed to band-aids to the symptoms?

Way too much time, money, and effort is so wasted on symptom management, rather than root cause repair.

Hmmm... where is the line. The line that I cross to get back to involvement, that seperates my apathy from hope? Let's find it, and Willfully cross it.

Let us Willfully Awaken the Sleeper, and start participating in our own Lives!