Monday, July 25, 2005


Hmmm.... Honesty What happened to it?

I mean I was brought up in the late 60's and 70's. Born in '62. My parents were normal, not conservative, maybe a lil on the hippy-ish side, but not hard core. I was a only child, both worked, seemed fairly common of a scenario then. Brief religious introduction, but minimal follow up to that since they believed I should and would find my own path when I needed to. A sound childhood, I think in retrospect; I felt loved and was taught to express love, and to be a good person. Seems that being Honest was a foundation of that.

This isnt some waxing nostalgic babble, if that's what your thinking. I'm getting there, laying the foundation.

I believe the root cause to my problems are selfishness; my darn ego, or mind, we'll call it, seems bent on filtering all input through a filter of "What's in it for me?" "What is this gonna cost me?" "When am I gonna get my fair share?" waaa~

It's a annoying "feature" of my mind, and it causes the bulk of my pain. I do practice self inventory, or a taking a third person's view of my thought life, in a crude attempt to reel in the frequent, imminient train wrecks. It doesnt often prevent the pain, but it cetainly does help lessen the crash. When I remeber to practice it. ^.^

I get a regular chuckle, when a conversation about Honesty comes up, most folks state plainly, even confidently, that they are honest people. It's like the person that will tell you they are humble. roflmao

Honesty is one of those, in todays psycho-babble terms, "onions". So many layers to honesty. It takes alot of practice and determination to really be honest, at least from my experience, alot. Luckily, it does slightly, slightly I said, get a smidgeon easier the more I practice it. But man, I don't mind telling you, the hardest Honesty to achieve is with people, especially about my feelings.

Every morning that I end up being late for work, even if its only 3 mins, all the way there, my mind is whirling, conjuring excuses. I have to constantly re direct it, remind myself so to speak, to just be honest. I didn't get off the computer when I should, I took that extra snooze button push, I played too long with my "girls" - ( 2 female Cats that honor me with their presence, Gracie and Silky Racer, the Minion of Doom ). The entire process of the on-goin justification is exhausting.

I don't know about you, but its hard to listen to others not be Honest with me. You see, My Soul Knows the Truth. My gut reacts to dishonesty, alarms go off.

My gut goes off every time I am exposed to the latest propaganda message. Conservatives. Liberals. Every one 's got a self interest veiled in the message somewhere. Every once in awhile, it builds up and I need to rant, to vent the pressure, so I came here...

Hmmm... I wonder what my self interest is behind this blog? =^.^=

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

We Swim in a Sea of Spin


Nice Little word that got coined to homogenize, pasteurize, and make palatable, what generally amounts to, LIES.

My Soul Knows The Truth.

I seem to remember it comeing of age and becoming accepted vernacular under Clinton, with his "political" thug , Carville. ( sp? ) Today, I am hard pressed to find any news that hasn't been spun, or more clearly, Op-Ed'd. Everything is rife with oppinion. From the headlines on my local newspapaer, to the leading story on any network. The news isn't reported, it's used as a tool to drive some policy change, to manipulate the collective bovine mindset, to set a feeling. We swim every waking moment in a Sea Of Spin, bombarded with psy-op precision, puppeteers pulling the many marionette strings, that drive the polls. I HATE IT! Somedays, my soul aches, exhausted from the constant onslaught.

I do my best to tune it all out, to seek the tid bits of who, what, when , where I can find, and form opinion from that. It's difficult though.


Maybe spin comes from the day we accepted what is blatantly a corrupt process; Lobbyists.

Well, that's another topic best left for a sitting where I have more time.

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Start Up

Greetings to any that find this ...

I have considered starting this for a long time, but fear has held me back. Today, I followed a link in Jim Babka's recent newsletter to his blog, wanted to post a comment, and was prompted to go for it. So here I am.

I chose the title, because it's something I have felt for a very long time, and like many blog posts I read, from many different sources, with many different perspectives, there are more than I realize, that just know things are rotten in Denmark, and we feel it in our soul.

I have no proof per se; I read and view many different presentations of truth, as i feel about the nature of things. But nothing is solid enough, nothing is complete, complete enough to change many minds, on the scale that would be needed to wake up a majority. So I simmer, and my Soul Knows the truth.

I will continue later, this is just a start, to open my mind and writing juices. If your soul knows the truth, and it hurts, as does mine, then I encourage you to say hi, and know that you are not alone.